Post by littleork on Dec 30, 2019 3:17:22 GMT
You continue for about another ten minutes down the trail, you still haven't encountered any other goblins but treading onto a pile of leaves, you curse yourself, as your foot falls through the pile and you find yourself toppling into a pit.
[make a dexterity saving throw]
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Dec 30, 2019 3:58:53 GMT
Dexterity save: EKC3sE3Y1d20+51d20+5
Post by littleork on Dec 30, 2019 20:28:44 GMT
The loose covering of leaves falls away but you are able to catch yourself with a few quick arm-swings and stay up on the path. As the leaves fall into the pit they reveal the sorry form of a less lucky traveler.
The once obese man with a peculiar white-trimmed red hat is lying, neck-snapped, at the bottom of the pit. He is wearing a suit of adamantine plate, carrying a beautiful coil of rope and has a magical sword on his hip [merry christmas]
By the time Lykus and Aronin catch up to Avren, Ace is wheeling around with a screech and says "goblins" inside Aronin's head.
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Dec 31, 2019 0:42:33 GMT
For a moment, Avren could hear nothing but her heart pounding in her chest. That trap could have easily ended her life, if she were less lucky or careful. She winced, taking note of the poor soul who in no way could have easily evaded the trap, as she just did. Her golden eyes narrow, taking in the details...especially the equipment that would otherwise go to waste in goblin hands or at the bottom of a pit. Quick to act, she took out grappling hook, affixed to a silk rope. After securing it on top, she braced her feet against a wall of the pit and made her way down for a better look. The plate was useless in her hands and she already had a fine rope, but the sword...that interested her. She crouched down to inspect it while noting the screech. The familiar would return with the rest, and it was just as well. They could make good use of the rest of this traveler's bounty.
Post by Calignious on Jan 1, 2020 22:17:34 GMT
Aronin caught up to find a big pit in the ground with Avren in it. He looked down in to the whole curiously, and arched his eyebrow. “You okay down there?” He watched her grab a sword and then saw a rope that caught his eye. A normal rope wouldn’t have ever caught his eye, but there was something about this specific one that called out to him.
A high pitched sound came from up over the trees, followed by Ace’s words in his head. “We have more company... Avren come back up, I’ll reset this trap.”
Ace, pick up the rest of those items for me.
Aronin waited for Avren to climb out. He then quietly muttered incantations under his breath and motioned a hand towards the top of the pit. The opening of the hole suddenly changed to appear to be solid ground.
Aronin drew both blades and ducked behind a tree trunk. Ace softly dropped the plate and rope into a pile behind a bush.
Stealth: ioqElLuE1d20+3
[Cast the Minor Illusion cantrip to make the hope appear filled.] 1d20+3
Post by littleork on Jan 2, 2020 7:15:52 GMT
Lykus eyes the armour greedily. He ducks down with the others behind the tree to wait for the goblins. While he waits, he begins donning the new armour.
Several tense minutes pass...nothing happens.
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Jan 2, 2020 15:47:44 GMT
While Lykus donned his new armor, Avren kept a grip on her new weapon. She was itching to spend some quality time with her discovery and learn more about it, but that would require time that they probably didn't have at the moment. Likewise thinking that stealth would be the best option available, Avren attempted to hide a few paces away, not wanting loud armor to give away her location. All the while, she kept her eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
Stealth: Cabon_0p1d20+5 Perception: 1d20+41d20+5·1d20+4
Post by littleork on Jan 2, 2020 17:57:54 GMT
Avren adeptly blends into the forest, wisely keeping her distance from the beacon of shining metal that, now, is Lykus.
You are still alone on the trail.
She peers around determined to not be caught by surprise again, looking forward in the direction of travel, there appears to be a slight thinning of the trees several hundred feet up the trail. No movement is seen.
[Aronin, Ace wouldn't be able to pick up a suit of plate mail but I misread that before but it doesn't really matter anyway. Are you aware that you can spend an action to extend your senses through your familiar's?]
Post by littleork on Jan 3, 2020 23:41:56 GMT
Lykus stands up to stretch his legs after so long crouched behind the tree, his new armour making faint scraping and clanking noises as he does so.
Are we just gonna fuck around here all day or go slaughter these little green sonsofbitches?
Anyone wanna scout ahead or shall I just march up and kick a door in?
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Jan 4, 2020 2:38:19 GMT
Avren didn't respond, but she was working on just that, hoping to catch sight of either the goblins or more of their traps. That they took captives meant that they must have a lair nearby, and one or more entrances. Whether guarded or booby-trapped, she intended to find out and report back promptly. Aronin's familiar being a presence from above would certainly help with the task, but she wasn't going to rely on that more than need be.
This was so different from chases on city streets and shady deals in alleys, and a part of Avren was as intrigued as she was unsettled. She was a city person at heart and this adventure wasn't likely to change that...but it was still an opportunity to learn and adapt. Now, if only Lykus would stop making so much noise....
Post by littleork on Jan 4, 2020 9:53:44 GMT
Unbeknownst to the others, Avren skulks alongside the path away from the group. Slowly, carefully, she makes her way through the undergrowth, cursing the branches that constantly catch her clothes and hair. Soon she looses sight of the others and soon after that is out of hearing range. She eventually reaches the clearing she could see from before Following the goblins’ trail, you come across a large cave in a hillside five miles from the scene of the ambush. A shallow stream flows out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow dry path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream.
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Jan 5, 2020 0:04:27 GMT
Taking note of the cave entrance, Avren paused to observe for a few moments. She wanted to see if there was anything else of note before returning to the others, or if the activity near it changed in any way. If not, she quietly made her way back toward the others to tell them of her discovery. There wasn't much else to do at this point, not alone. Anything else would take a team, of that she had no doubt.
Post by littleork on Jan 5, 2020 8:59:44 GMT
[Avren, you can make a perception check while you observe the cave before returning to report to the group]
[Also note, Calignious has been in contact with me; there's been some family affairs to deal with this past week or so, but will be back with us shortly]
Playing: Solstice (Paladin 6)/Umbrae (Sorcerer 1/Warlock 4)/Avren Wands (Rogue 2/Sorcerer 1)
Posts: 706
Post by Jarovbees on Jan 5, 2020 16:54:42 GMT
Perception: 4y2cXlGO1d20+41d20+4
Post by littleork on Jan 5, 2020 20:56:24 GMT
[You don't notice anything further]
When you return to report to the others Lykus stands up, throwing his hands in the air dramatically;
Oh there you are! I don't appreciate being left out of the loop like a fool holding a fish. You would do well to remember who you're dealing with here - he says with a thumb pointing at his own chest
Now, what did you find?
You relay the discovery of the cave entrance with the stream flowing out of it and the thick briars covering it's eastern bank.
Well, the dwarf's obviously been taken inside. Let's go get that map...uh, I mean, save him!
Lykus begins walking up the path, carefully stepping around where he remembers the pit trap to be.